

National Concussion Guidelines

The National Australian Football Concussion Guidelines have been developed based on scientific input on Concussion Management that endorse an approach that prioritises assessment, rest, recovery and a graded return to full participation.
Find out more about Concussion Guidelines | Here

Concussion Resources for Clubs

The below resources are available for download and use by clubs and leagues across Western Australia to assist in the Management of Concussion.

Concussion Recognition Tool

The Concussion Recognition Tool (CRT) helps to identify a suspected concussion in Children, Adolescents and Adults. The tool can be used by 1st aid officers and sports trainers during both games and training. 

Find out more about the Concussion Tool | Here

AFL First Aid and Concussion Management Online Module

This education module has been designed by the AFL for Community Sport Trainers, First Aiders to provide information and awareness of the AFL's Community Football Concussion Guidelines and medical treatment requirements. Anyone involved in local footy is encouraged to complete this module through the link HERE.

Connectivity TBI Concussion Short Course

This course is a 15-minute interactive online course which educates coaches, umpires, players, volunteers, committee members, parents and other interested people to recognise and manage a sport-related concussion injury. The course is self-paced, so you can enrol and complete it at any time.

Find out more about Concussion Short Course | Here

Concussion Podcast

Dr Gill Cowen provides an overview of her concussion management background and discusses the most common concussion presentations and the different treatment approaches for each. You'll learn where to find the most updated protocols and resources for GPs, as well as discuss topics such as dealing with patients and the effects of concussion in adolescent patients.

Listen Here

The Good GP has launched a Concussion Update podcast. This features Dr Gill Cowen   


Prep to Play

The Prep-to-Play resources have been formulated by experts in coaching and sports medicine, to further support coaches at all levels and which aim to improve football skills, athletic performance and reduce injuries. Although specifically developed for female athletes, these resources are also suitable for males in terms of developing skills, refining correct techniques, and reducing the likelihood of injuries

WAFC Blue Card

More information about the WA Football Blue Card | Here 

Link to Head Check App

The Head Check App is an evidence-based app developed by leading concussion experts from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI) and the AFL. The app is a concussion management tool to help recognise concussion early and manage recovery.

Download Head Check Application | Here

WA Football Concussion Action Plan

As part of the WA Football Concussion Action Plan, the WAFC is undertaking a number of pilots or research projects in the field of concussion including:

Research Papers 

Concussion Goggles Research – in conjunction with Murdoch University and Leven Health, the WAFC has supported the research into tracking eye movement as a means of monitoring concussion symptoms.

Player and Parent Concussion Awareness Research - Player and parent concussion knowledge and awareness in youth Australian Rules Football (University of Northern Iowa, SPRINZ, UWA) – Research Paper is accessible Here

Prevalence of Concussion Study - Prevalence of head injury and medically diagnosed concussion in junior-level community-based Australian Rules Football (Murdoch University, University of Northern Iowa, SPRINZ) -  Research Paper is accessible Here

Accelerometer Study – Head impact research in Australian footballers utilising accelerometers to measure rotational forces on the body. (Murdoch University, SPRINZ, Necksafe) – Research paper is accessible Here

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