

The West Australian Football Commission (WAFC) is committed to promoting and protecting the safety, health, and well-being of all who participate in Australian Rules Football at any level. This commitment is upheld through activities, programs, services, and educational resources, fostering a culture where people feel safe and welcome.

Our game is for everyone. We want everyone to feel included in the footy world, whether that’s on the field, online, or any other place.

Embracing diversity and ensuring you are welcoming, supportive and encouraging to all in your community will improve your club.

It will provide an opportunity to grow with an improved culture, more players, more volunteers, more funding and more sponsors, ultimately making a difference to your community.

Having a role at any grassroots footy club is important to help people enjoy their time while involved at the club and being connected within the community.

As a result, we have provided a wealth of information to help clubs navigate the complexity associated with this critical topic. Remember - any action you take is better than taking no action.

Check out the information links below for key messages, calling out vilification, and support videos to help you and your club educate your community about Vilification & Discrimination.

Further your understanding of how we can work together to ensure a safe environment free of vilification and discrimination by accessing the AFL’s Vilification and Discrimination online module.

AFL Vilification Education Module