Club Development

What is Club Development?

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The Club Development & Volunteers Team distributes circulars to clubs as a means of distributing relevant and useful information.

Relevant circulars are available below

Circular CD&V 25-01 Season Update - The Club Development & Volunteers Team are excited to deliver a wide range of programs, initiatives and events to Metro Junior Football Clubs in 2025.

Circular CD&V 25-02 - Working with Children Check - There are certain steps clubs can take to ensure they are compliant with Working with Children legislation. This document explains these requirements in relation to football.

Circular CD&V 25-04 Champion Club Launch - WA Football has launched the Champion Club program, a state-wide intiative aimed at strengthening club governance, improving volunteer management, and enhancing operational effectiveness across community football.

Circular CD&V 25-06 - You Volunteer Program - WA Football has partnered with Duke of Ed to help increase youth volunteering in sport by linking Duke of Ed participants with volunteering opportunitites in community football clubs.

To assist community football clubs, WA Football provide a series of forums and webinars to assist club committees to develop and grow.

New Presidents and Vice Presidents Forum

To assist new Presidents and Vice Presidents a forum was held in February to provide valuabl information to support them in their roles. The forum also provided an opportunity for President and Vice Presidents to connect

2025 New Presidents & Vice Presidents Forum


Working with Children and Safeguarding in Football

To assist clubs in meeting their legislative and obligatory requirements, a circular was sent to all clubs outlining what steps they should take to be compliant. To support this document, a webinar was held with guest speakers from the Working with Children Screening Unit and SportWest True Sport progam. 

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