Sporting Schools

Sporting Schools is an Australian Government initiative designed to help schools increase children's participation in sports and connect them with community sporting opportunities.

Sporting Schools offers grant opportunities for primary schools and targeted grant opportunities for Year 7 and 8 programs in secondary schools. These grants support the school in engaging the services of West Australian Football Commission coaches to deliver high-quality, curriculum-linked AFL programs either before school, after school or during school hours. Funding can also be used to purchase equipment.

Here are a few benefits/reasons to choose an AFL Sporting Schools program-

Skill Development: AFL Sporting Schools programs focus on developing fundamental skills such as kicking, handballing, marking, and game awareness. Coaches are trained to provide targeted and effective skill development sessions.

Physical Activity: The programs promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle among participants. AFL involves running, jumping, and various movements that contribute to overall fitness.

Inclusive Sport: AFL is a sport that can be enjoyed by participants of all skill levels and abilities. The coach-delivered programs aim to be inclusive, catering to a wide range of ages and backgrounds.

Teamwork and Collaboration: Australian Rules Football is a team sport that encourages teamwork and collaboration. Participants learn to work together, communicate effectively, and understand the importance of each team member's role.

Structured Programs: AFL Sporting Schools coach-delivered programs are designed with a structured curriculum, ensuring that participants receive a well-rounded and comprehensive sports education.

Qualified Coaches: The programs are delivered by qualified AFL coaches who have undergone training to work with school-aged children. This ensures a safe and professional learning environment.

Equipment and Resources: AFL Sporting Schools programs come with the necessary equipment and resources, making it easy for schools to implement the program without extensive preparation.

Alignment with Curriculum: Programs are designed to align with school curriculums, providing an opportunity to integrate sport and physical education seamlessly into the school's educational objectives.

Skill Progression: The programs are designed to cater to different skill levels, allowing participants to progress at their own pace and continually improve their abilities.

Funding is available to Metro, Regional and Remote schools.

About Our Program

The West Australian Football Commission has developed programs to suit primary school students and Year 7 and 8 secondary students. Each program delivered is linked in to the Australian Curriculum, with specific tasks designed to cover each descriptor from the Moving Our Body, Understanding Movement and Learning Through Movement strands.

Our Development staff will work with your school to tailor a program that suits the experience level and needs of your students and assist to connect students with their local football club.

Our Teacher Delivered Package is a great option for schools who would like a cheaper option, allowing more money to be spent on equipment. This option includes a Burley Schools Equipment Pack, access to Foundation AFL Coaching resources and the option to schedule an online meeting with WAFC staff to develop a program for your school. This option is also ideal for Remote schools, where access to coaches is limited.

Applications for Term 4 2024 funding now OPEN.

To register your school and apply for a Sporting Schools grant go here

For more information on Sporting Schools grants or the AFL program delivered, please contact:

Ben Cribb

Sporting Schools Coordinator
