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WA Brilliant in Win Over South AustraliaMonday, June 17, 2024 - 11:19 AM

Western Australia’s dominant performance over South Australia in the AFL National Championships – U18 Boys was reward for effort according to Head Coach Marc Webb.

“Our effort to pressure and our ball use was a big part of our first quarter, and we kept sustaining it for the whole game which was fantastic,” Webb said.

“There were times where they (SA) challenged us and we were able to wither that and come again, so it was a really strong performance, and the best part was the evenness of the group.

“It was a more complete performance this time and it allowed us to have a good win.”

It was WA’s second game of the Championships, having recorded one win and one loss so far. 

Webb said Sunday’s 67-point win was a result of the team getting more time to train together and practice set plays.

“It’s the continuity of working together more and their connection and bond, I think the group is really getting together and they’ve been able to do that over two trips,” Webb said.

“They’ve worked hard to put themselves in this position and they were able to perform today.”

Max Rohr kicked four goals for the Black Swans, including two in the first quarter, while Kayle Gerreyn kicked three goals, had eight hit-outs and three clearances.

“It was good reward for effort, but the boys pressing up the ground really helped, it was a full team effort,” Rohr said.

Throughout the midfield Fred Rodriguez collected 22 possessions, while Hugh Boxshall on debut had 20 possessions and four clearances and half-back Bo Allan played through the midfield (10 kicks, nine handballs, six tackles, five clearances).

“Darcy Petersen against Tyler Welsh,  who is one of the stronger forwards in the national competition, to keep him to three kicks was another outstanding effort,” Webb said.

Webb was impressed with his team’s efforts to play the brand of football they had trained for.

“These games can be challenging because you’ve got players from different clubs, and you want to get them together and there’s also the intrinsic motivation for players to hopefully put themselves in a position where they hopefully might be able to get drafted too,” Webb said.

“We understand that’s an important part, we also understand working and playing for each other and building that conneciton is just as important, and I think that was the pleasing part, we were able to display that this week.”
Webb said it was great to see so many family and friends make the trip to Adelaide to support the players.

“There was a massive gathering of family and friends to support the players and that’s an integral part around us and recognising what the support does and the journeys that these players have had,” Webb said.

WA plays Victoria Metro on Sunday at Optus Stadium as a curtain raiser to the Fremantle v Gold Coast Suns and Gerreyn is looking forward to the challenge.

“Vic are a strong team, so we do take a bit of confidence into this game, but we still have a lot to work on and we’ve got a long way to go,” Gerreyn said.

Match Score
SA 6.12 48
WA 18.7 115
Match stats can be found here