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Debutant Among WAFL Grand Final UmpiresWednesday, September 18, 2024 - 2:42 PM

Eight years after making his League debut Curtis Snadden has been named to umpire in his first WAFL Grand Final on Sunday when East Perth plays Peel Thunder.

Snadden, who joined the umpiring panel in 2013 and has officiated in 128 senior games, has been selected alongside Trent McPhee, Ben Laycock and Matt Adams, who will step out for his eighth WAFL League Grand Final.

Jason Gibb has been named Emergency Field Umpire.

Dean Horsington, Head of Umpiring WA at the West Australian Football Commission, congratulated Snadden on the appointment.

“The selection of Curtis is well deserved after an outstanding season,” Horsington said.

“He was understandably emotional when given the news and I’m excited for him, Trent, Ben and Matt.”

The Boundary Umpiring team for the Grand Final consists of Jaco Jansen Van Rensburg, Dane Smith, Bailey Foulk and Ethan Lamont.

Smith has been selected for his first League Grand Final after 25 senior matches.

Lleyton Jose is the emergency boundary umpire.

The Goal Umpiring team also includes a Grand Final debutant in Matt Devenish, who made his League debut in 2021.

He joins Luke Caifano in goals for the big game with Christian Cutrona listed as the Emergency Goal Umpire.

Horsington congratulated those umpires selected.

“As a team we’re proud of all our umpires, and I’m confident our Field, Boundary and Goal Umpires will acquit themselves well on Sunday,” Horsington said.